Friday, May 4, 2012

7 days out...

At the moment, according to the 10-day forecast, which I think is highly inaccurate, the weather next Saturday will be PERFECT for running 50 miles.  Fingers and toes crossed, prayers being said...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Last Night I Dreamed

*cue Blues Traveler*

Last night I dreamed about the Ice Age Trail 50.  I'm not great with the specifics, but it was pretty neutral - I was just running, got to an aid station, saw the tackle box my crew will be busting out at aid stations.  There was a scary moment where I didn't see my peeps, felt disoriented, and couldn't find what I needed in said tackle box but mostly everything was ok.

I took that as a sign to drop $140 on registration for the Mountain Masochist Trail Run.

That's a logical conclusion, right?

More about MMTR later, but know this: it will be my first "real" trail run.  I don't mean that as an insult to the glacial features of SEWI or the wonderful, challenging, and technical Ice Age National Scenic Trail, which I love with all my heart.  BUT.  MMTR is 50 miles in the Blue Ridge *actual* Mountains, with animals more dangerous than the turkeys and deer that I have seen and ascents more steep than the very sweet sounding kettles and moraines that have been my companions these last few years.  Plus it's my first non-local race.  Should be a game-changer!